Sweetener - Organic Stevia Extract Powder, New Lower Price & $2.50 shipping
Brand : BioGro Pantry
- SKU:
- stevia
Organic Stevia Extract: From the sweetest part of the stevia plant and de-bittered. It's the perfect sugar alternative!
***1/32 teaspoon or sesame seed size serving size is equivalent in taste to 1 teaspoon of sugar***
Stevia Extract, Organic and With 25mg Steviosides in every serving -No Bitter Aftertaste.
What is Stevia?
The family of extracts of the Stevia plant which are taken from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plant. The extracts are known as Steviosides and Rebaudiosides depending on which part of the plant is isolated. These extracts are approximately 300 times sweeter than sugar unless diluted. In 1970 the Japanese began extracting the pure sweet powder found in the leaf for testing and commercial use. Stevia sweeteners have been fully approved and widely used in Japan since 1970 in food products and soft drinks and for table-top use. It is also fully approved and in use in Brazil, where it is also recommended for diabetics.
What give stevia its unique flavor?
The stevia profile is that it has 2 naturally occurring glycosides (stevioside and rebaudioside). The steviosides are sweet and the rebaudiosides are bitter. This is why you may taste and see a difference in the taste from one product to another. The extraction process can be quite costly especially if a company is looking to extract a unique combination of these glycosides in order to get a specific flavor to come through.
Botanica Name: Botanical Name: Stevia Rebaudiana.
Also known as: RA Stevia Rebaudiana (Rebaudiosides) Stevia Powder, Stevia Extract, Stevia Concentrate, Bulk Stevia. Other Commercial Names: Sweet Leaf, Sugar Leaf, Sweet Honey Leaf, Rebiana, Candy Leaf, Yaa waan, Caa-he-ee, Kaa jhee, Erva doce, Sweet herb, Honey Yerba.
Ingredients: Organic Stevia Leaf Extract (Debittered).
Serving Size: Size of a sesame seed, .5 grams or 1/32nd of a teaspoon equals a teaspoon of sugar, no bitter aftertaste.
Servings Per 2oz: 110 servings 50 grams, 220 servings 100 grams, 440 servings 200 grams (call for larger bulk size prices) :
The Guarani Indians had known for centuries about the unique advantages of kaa he-he, a native term which translates as “sweet herb”. These native people knew the leaves of the wild stevia shrub had a sweetening power unlike anything else; they commonly used the leaves to enhance the taste of bitter medicinal potions. The widespread native use of stevia was chronicled by the Spaniards in historical documents preserved in the Paraguayan National Archives in Asuncion. Historians noted that indigenous peoples had been sweetening potions with stevia leaves since ancient times. By the 1800s, daily stevia consumption had become well entrenched throughout the region — not just in Paraguay, but also in neighboring Brazil and Argentina.
In 2008 Stevia was approved by the FDA for sale in the United States as a sweetener. Overseas, stevia controls over 40% of the sweetener market and you will often times find stevia on the kitchen or restaurant table just as you would sugar.
A little history:
From what we can gather, Dr. Moises Santiago Bertoni, director of the College of Agriculture in Asuncion, learned about stevia plant from his Indian guides while exploring Paraguay’s eastern forests in 1887. It took him 12 years to find and secure bits and pieces of the actual stevia plant, ultimately from a friend who had gotten them from another person. He then announced this "new species of plant" in a botanical journal.
Three years later, stevia was presented to the USDA by American Trade Commissioner George S. Brady as a “new sugar plant with great commercial possibilities.” Brady took note of its non-toxicity and its ability to be used in its natural state, with only drying and grinding required. He also conveyed the claims that it was “an ideal and safe sugar for diabetics.”
Within the next couple of decades, however, the enterprising Japanese had discovered just how useful stevioside really was. The Japanese either banned or strictly regulated artificial sweeteners during the 1960s, consistent with a popular movement away from allowing chemicals in the food supply. They soon discovered the ideal replacement for both sugar and its synthetic substitutes: refined stevia extracts.
In addition to demonstrating stevia’s nearly instant popularity in locales far removed from its native habitat, Japan’s experience proved several other significant facts about this phenomenal plant: its adaptability and its safety. Adaptability was proven through the discovery that the plant could be grown throughout most of this temperate island nation, albeit under special hothouse conditions. Studies were even initiated to evaluate the substitution of stevia for rice under cultivation in some areas. Stevia’s safety was proven through extensive scientific testing.
What gives stevia its unique flavor profile are its' components of 2 glycosides naturally occurring in it (stevioside and rebaudioside). The steviosides are sweet and the rebaudiosides are bitter. Both reasons why there is such a difference in the taste from one product to another. The extraction process can be quite costly especially if a company is looking to extract a unique combination of these glycosides in order to get a specific flavor to come through. YourNatureStore offers you what is considered a "full spectrum" extract of the stevia plant. This assures us of the best and most well balanced end product.
YourNatureStore strives to offer the highest quality and organically grown, raw, vegan, gluten free, non-GMO stevia extract available.YourNatureStore offers Pure White Stevia Leaf Extract Powder packaged in stand-up, resealable pouches for optimum freshness. Once opened, just push the air out of the pouch before resealing it in order to preserve maximum potency, or transfer stevia to a glass container with non-mental lid. Keep your Pure White Stevia Extract Powder in a cool, dark, dry place.
Recipes below for fresh squeezed lemonade and Rooibos tea. Use it to sweeten beverages, and it works well in sauces and you may lightly sprinkle on fruit or cereal (best way is to premix with milk before pouring). You can also make chocolate candy with unsweetened carob and stevia, it's really amazing!
Important: This is a concentrate, 1/32 of a teaspoon, the size of a sesame seed = taste of 1 tsp sugar
BONUS - Fresh lemon/lemonade will help kick your pH up as well has help bring you back into balance? Fresh lemon juice is pre-digestively acidic, post digestively leaves a strong pH ash - check out our sister site, pHBodyBalance.com (recipes galore).
Beverage Recipes

pHealthy Kid Berry Berry Beverage that will compete with Kool Aid!
Makes Half Gallon
Simmer 5 herbal berry tea bags in 1 1/2 quarts of water for about 15 min., turn off heat add heaping 1/4tsp of stevia concentrate, pour over 1/2 gallon container filled with ice - you now have a sweet kid beverage. (I sometimes add 2 oz concentrated juice to this recipe, i.e., black cherry, blueberry, etc., which makes great ice pops! Maraline)
pHresh Lemonade or Limeade
Makes Gallon
1 cup fresh Lemon Juice (mixed with Lime if you like)
1/2 tsp (heaping) Stevia Concentrate
1 gallon pure water
Make it pink – add raspberries (puree them), Make it blue – add blueberries
Lemon or Lime Pops: Freeze lemonade, but add berries, or juice of berries to change color, add coconut milk to get that 50/50 taste
Rooibos (pronounced RoyBus) Ruby Red Ice Tea
(Maraline loves it, says it tastes "Just Like Black Tea, Hot or Cold" if not better!)
If you can make sun tea, all the better, but if not, or if you are in a hurry, here is a great ice tea recipe:
Makes Half Gallon
1 1/2 quarts pure water, bring to a boil
Add 3-4 Rooibos Tea Bags
Add 1/4 tsp stevia concentrate
Turn heat down and simmer 15-20 minutes
Pour over a 1/2 gallon pitcher of ice
You can certainly use loose tea, and as a notation, we use Rooibos for our hot tea. Being British, it takes a special tea to replace Black Breakfast Tea!
Sparkling Soda (made with juice and sparkling water)
By The Glass (or several glasses) and you won't lose the fizz.
Using ANY ONE of the following concentrates:
Fresh lemon juice (or lime, or half of each)
Ginger Juice (from the Ginger People, easily found) or Fresh Ginger
Unsweetened Black Cherry Juice (health store favorite)
Or any unsweetened juice or puree
Mix blueberry and pomegranate concentrate together
Add Sparkling Mineral Water (any healthy source)
Recipe: Make Soda by the glass so it is highly carbonated & tasty.
By the Glass:
1 oz concentrated juice for every 6 oz of concentrated juice
stevia to taste (we use 1/16th - 1/8th tsp for 16 oz)
stir with chopsticks until stevia disappears
add ice then the sparkling mineral water
Optional floating condiments sliced lemons or berries
Build to taste, once you have it the way you like it, mark it on a card and offer the card as instructions as you lay out the ingredients for your guests to build their own! This tastes great and is great fun, and a great way for kids to see they can have their soda and drink it too!
Healthy Fruit Juice (low acid, pHealthy)
Pure Concentrate Juice (blueberry, wild cherry, pomegranite, etc)
Stevia to taste (we use 1/4 tsp per 1/2 gallon)
Water (usually 6:1 ratio of water to juice concentrate)
Why NOT Liquid Stevia: The reason we do not carry liquid stevia because additives are required to make stevia a liquid, and additives can change the flavor. After using powdered extract you too will become a purist. We have found our customers prefer the taste of concentrated stevia powder mostly because you can't tell the difference between our stevia and sugar. We know you will enjoy it just as much as we do.
Bulk Purchase of Pure Sweet Stevia Extract
Stevia extract is ideal for consumers who seek healthy natural foods, weight conscious individuals, those who suffer from blood sugar disorders, and the yeast intolerant (those with Candida albicans). Our stevia products taste best and have virtually no calories, carbohydrates, or fat.
YourNatureStore.com has detected no aftertaste and even if you've tried others, this is a must try, truly an amazing stevia.
Stevia is no longer free to ship, there is a minimum $2.50 shipping fee to subsidize increased shipping costs.
Pure product! Love it
Love this stevia. Use it sparingly
Best Ever
I have been using this product for a couple years now. Love it. Sweet taste , no fillers. So Healthy!!
Best Stevia
This is truly the only Stevia my husband and I use, no bitter taste or after taste! I have tried many and cannot find one that compares! Maralines lemonade recipe is perfect,!